The Beginner Program is for children ages 7-17 who are new to our programs. Included in the registration fee are 6, 90-minute classes, which teach everything from the fundamentals of the golf swing to playing golf. The Beginner Program is the foundation in learning all aspects of the game allowing youth golfers to move onto the Transition, Intermediate or the Advanced Programs. All participants are required to pass a written test and demonstrate basic golf skills to move on to the next level. The ultimate goal for our beginner junior golfers being to learn a golf curriculum in a fun and nurturing environment, all the while utilizing our golf course for on-course instruction.
Golf can be complex, but our expert staff of golf instructors will break down the learning process into easy to understand segments. The Beginner Program is built to focus the junior golfer on the skills they will need to be ready for on-course play (rules and etiquette), as well as important life lessons such as work ethic, perseverance, honesty, patience, and integrity. Clubs and other golf gear are provided for all students.
Upon completion of the program students will receive their “BH Kids Card” valid until age 18 entitling them to:
$1.00 Green Fees
Practice Range Balls – $1.00 Small / $1.50 Medium / $2.00 Large
Free rounds of Golf at Triggs with a Paying Adult between the hours of 12-1 weekdays (tee times must be made through Button Hole)
Opportunity to compete in the Button Hole Kids Cup
Opportunity to play on the PGA Jr League team
Click the ‘Register Now’ button below to view class schedules and register.