The Transition Program is for kids ages 7-9 who have successfully completed the Beginner Program. This program is designed for graduates of the Beginner Program who do not meet the 10 year old age requirement of the Intermediate Program. It is conducted much like a mentor program playing golf with an instructor to learn and familiarize themselves with on course policies, procedures and fundamentals.
In this program the instructor will take the group of students out on the golf course and play as many holes as possible in the allotted time while instructing students on navigating the golf course. The instructor may also use the golf range or short game area when needed to refresh students on full swing and short game fundamentals previously taught in the beginner program.
Instructors will also demonstrate basic on-course procedures including how to replace a divot, how to fix a ball mark, how to rake a bunker, how to mark your golf ball on the green and all other procedures required on the golf course for the intermediate course and beyond.
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