» Button Hole Kids at the CVS/Caremark Charity Classic

As CVS kicked off its 15th Annual Charity Classic on Sunday, June 23, with the Pro-Am portion of the tournament, 18 Button Hole Kids had the chance to serve as standard Bearers for the afternoon round. Over 300 amateur and professional golfers competed in the Pro-Am, giving Button Hole Kids a front row seat for watching some of the best players in the world. Outfitted inmatching tee-shirts, Button Hole Kids proudly displayed their perseverance and tenacity as they marched around the course in near record degree temperatures.
At Monday’s All Kids Can Challenge, two Button Hole brothers, Nathan and Ethan Tho, played the 16th, 17th and 18th holes with John Howell from the Barrington High School Golf Team. Nathan and Ethan were two of just 16 young golfers who got to play in the challenge. Clad from head to toe in the Ricky Fowler Line of Puma gear, Nathan, Ethan and the other young golfers received hats, shoes, shirts and new golf bags—and Ricky’s autograph too! Click here to watch what they had to say when interviewed!
WPRI Channel 12 also featured Button Hole as one of the benefitting charities for the CVS Caremark Charity Classic and had the chance to talk to and film a few of our new Button Hole kids. Click here to watch the clip!