» Weekly Tournaments

Weekly Kids Tournaments:
It’s not too late to still play in our weekly kid’s tournaments! Every Monday and Wednesday until Wednesday August 29th we will be holding tournaments for all levels Beginner to Advanced from 9:00 -11:30am. It costs $1.00 to play and everyone is more than welcome to come with a friend or come meet a new ones! This is a great chance to play different types of tournament formats from team play to scramble to partners. We are always switching up the styles to get the kids more familiar with the different ways the game of golf can be played! We do have a points system for those of you who are just starting out to be more competitive with the other kids! You can gain points just by showing up and playing! We also encourage the kids to gain points by coming in and buying a small or large bucket as well as dressing in golf attire! Points will be cumulative over the course of the summer and those with the most points at the end will be entered into the Button Hole Cup Tournament with a chance to have their claim to fame as the Button Hole Cup Champion!
Any questions or concerns please contact: [email protected] or call 421-1664 ext 104