» Button Hole and its Mission Receive World-wide Attention

Golf Channel Selects Button Hole for Feature
A special feature is airing on the Golf Channel focusing on Button Hole and its unique mission of enriching the lives of urban youth by providing facilities and programs that develop strong character, teach life values, and champion success through the game of golf.
The feature included as part of the Golf Channel’s coverage of the CVS Caremark Charity Classic- highlights Button Hole as a charity that makes great use of the funds it receives from the Classic.
“Button Hole’s mission and its implementation of that mission really captured our attention,” said Adam Wilson, Feature Producer PGA Tour Entertainment. “The facilities Executive Director David Hanna worked closely with us and as a result we were able to capture the great work he and his team do at the Providence course.”
The CVS Caremark Charity Classic is a steadfast supporter of Button Hole. “Giving back to the communities in which we live and work has always been the driving force behind the CVS Caremark Charity Classic and Button Hole is a great example of the kind of programs we support,” said Veilleux. “We are proud to play a part in helping these children achieve their highest potential.”
The Golf Channel feature has already aired twice — on September 14th and September 15th, and will air again Saturday September 18, from 11am -2pm. “Getting this kind of exposure for Button Hole is great,” said David Hanna, who has served as Button Hole’s Executive Director for the past five years. “Our team has worked very hard to build a world class program with a mission of opening doors for inner city kids. We reach thousands of kids each year, not only at our course, but in the community, through mentoring programs, with our new Andrade Faxon Junior Golf Academy and as a community partner for the Providence School system.”
In recent years Button Hole has been serving as a model for other states and other inner city golf programs.